July 5, 2024
Reporting obligation on work-related mobility of employees from 1 July

Starting from 1 July 2024, Dutch employers with 100 or more employees are obliged to report on the business traffic and commuting of employees. Employers with fewer than 100 employees may submit the report on a voluntary basis without obligation.

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April 6, 2024
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive to be in place

The European Union has adopted the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (Directive 2022/2464), which the Member States need to implement by 6 July 2024.

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March 18, 2024
Significantly less cash payments made in the Netherlands

According to the Dutch Central Bank, only 15% of the value spent at point-of-sale locations were paid in cash in the Netherlands in 2022, which is much lower than the proportion back in 2013, when 57% of the total value was paid in cash. In 2022, card payments made up 70% of all payments, followed by mobile app payments (10%) and other payment methods (5%).

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January 14, 2024
Financial changes in the Netherlands in 2024

Several financial changes are implemented in the Netherlands from the beginning of 2024. You can read below how these changes might affect your business.

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November 21, 2023
Dutch cabinet has approved a new legislative proposal to re-open to the UBO register

We have informed you earlier this year that there was an internet consultation for re-opening the UBO register in the Netherlands: https://cismanagement.nl/news/internet-consultation-for-re-opening-the-ubo-register/. Please visit this page for more background information.

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November 6, 2023
Plans to reduce benefits of the 30% ruling in the Netherlands

Foreign workers that move to the Netherlands from another country for work can benefit from the 30% ruling if they meet certain conditions. This entails that 30% of the employee’s salary will be exempted from income tax. Currently, eligible employees can benefit from this ruling for 5 years.

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October 16, 2023
Digital incorporation of a BV to be possible from 2024

Recently, the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Netherlands have approved a legislative proposal to make digital incorporation possible, as an implementation of the EU Directive 2019/1151.

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September 25, 2023
Budget Day in the Netherlands 2023

Budget Day (‘Prinsjesdag’) is an annual Dutch tradition that takes place on the third Tuesday of September each year, in which the Dutch government launches its plans for the coming year, including financial plans.

This year, Budget Day took place on 19 September 2023. CIS Management summarised below some of the changes that will be important for Dutch businesses.

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August 30, 2023
CIS Management celebrates its 12th anniversary

We are happy to share the memory about this day with our clients and partners - CIS Management opened its doors 12 years ago on this day, 30 August 2011, as a consulting firm.

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July 20, 2023
Temporary Act on Transparency Turbo Liquidation to enter into force on 15 November

We have informed you earlier this year that Temporary Act on Transparency Turbo Liquidation (Tijdelijke wet transparantie turboliquidatie), which makes turbo liquidation more difficult and transparent, will most likely be approved by the Dutch government: https://cismanagement.nl/news/dutch-house-of-representatives-approves-temporary-law-making-turbo-liquidation-more-transparent/. Please visit this page for more information on what the new law entails.

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